A boss like no other

Created by Brad 4 months ago

I met Andy in 2018 when he interviewed me for a position in his team in London.
It was the most thorough interview that I've ever had of around 2 hours, with signs it could have gone on for much longer.

It was clear he was a very astute professional with great humanistic qualities in addition to a massive wealth of professional experience, and a desire to do what is right and also to get things right.

I remember my first day fondly - within the first 5 minutes with Andy taking me for coffee and promptly telling me everything he knew about and knew needed to be done quickly on a project - and from that moment, I got the impression that this guy was passionate about what he does.

Andy had a way with words, a very keen eye for detail and an understanding of how people would interpret anything and everything.
This shone through to all of the work he and our team put out into the world, and was well respected by all up to the top of the organisation.
His strong passion for music came through consistently in jokes and memories, and even on one occasion performing to hundreds through a video call (I will add that there was some demand from the attendees to hear him sing and it only took moderate coaxing!).

We also shared our love of (good) coffee and many of our meetings were held with coffee in hand from his favourite coffee shop (The Church) taking a stroll around the streets of the city.

Andy led us through some really tough and complicated times and is sorely missed not just in London, but across the globe from all those who worked with him. Everybody, without exception, loved working with Andy.

Thank you Andy for the support, the trust, the laughs, your guidance and your dedication to all that you were involved in.

- Brad H